Šesto srečanje projektnih partnerjev ENERJ

Projektna skupina se je znova sestala na Cipru 4. in 5. junija 2019 in pregledala skladnost izvajanja aktivnosti s terminskim planom in ali so predvideni rezultati doseženi; projekt je namreč v zadnjem tromesečju izvajanja.

V tem obdobju bo pozornost usmerjena predvsem k izobraževanju za javne uslužbence in energetske upravljalce, s ciljem združevanja več občin in pospeševanja izvajanja skupnih ukrepov na področju sanacije javnih stavb. Izobraževanje vključuje več področij: – uvod in zakonodajni okvir, – ozaveščanje ključnih oseb in integrirano načrtovanje – platforma ENERJ, – energetsko pogodbeništvo (pogodbeno znižanje stroškov za energijo), – ukrepi za izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti in oskrbe z obnovljivimi viri.

Drugo področje pa bo celovita vzpostavitev delovanja platforme ENERJ, ki je vsem zainteresiranim že dostopna na spletni strani www.enerj-platform.eu.

Zaključno srečanje bo v začetku septembra 2019 v kraju Thessaloniki v Grčiji, kjer bo organizirana tudi zaključna mednarodna konferenca. V nadaljevanju sledi krajši opis vsebin konference:

“The final conference of ENERJ will be an occasion to discuss with the principal actors the results of the project and their relevance for the field of actions which is as difficult as it is important: energy efficiency in buildings, looking particularly at public buildings. The Mediterranean area is witnessing a fast growing energy demand, partly due to cooling needs which with climate change will only increase and a rapid urban development. If the Mediterranean wants to stay on track with implementing an inclusive and sustainable energy transition, energy efficiency in buildings, existing ones and new ones, will be a central issue.

Cities and Regions are key players in implementing energy efficiency policies in buildings, starting with their own ones and reaching out to the private sector. Most often the local course of energy transition has been laid down in a local energy plan, many of them in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors as a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SEAP/SECAP). The conference will discuss the added value Joint Actions can produce and the role of Joint Actions Coordinators to bring together a group of actors in a specific territory.
The conference will have a pragmatic, application-oriented character. Highly skilled practitioners will present their experiences and discuss them with the audience. The conference is meant for public servants in local and regional administrations, energy experts and interested citizens. There will be simultaneous translation Greek-English.”






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